7 Luxury Brands That Redefine Men’s Jeans

by MR Magazine Staff

It has never been out of style. Ever since the French sailors from Nîmes (de-nim) brought it to Italy and the Genovese (jeans) merchants introduced it to the American entrepreneurs that turned it into a cultural icon. Regardless of seasons or fashion trends, denim is a sartorial staple that’s widely adaptable and endlessly wearable. Pigeonholed as casual garb for too long, it is experiencing a pervading resurgence as its connotation and functionality shift from leisure to business. The fabric is sprouting up in creative-driven work environments all around the world, but a word of advice: ditch those overstretched, threadbare mainstream store jeans. The market, particularly menswear, is approaching denim with greater fastidious care. In today’s age of insta-impressions, it’s top wardrobe priority to discover a pair that can take you from day to night, Monday through Sunday, with great effect and without great effort. Easier said than done. Read more at Forbes.