Five Fits With: Musical Multihyphenate Erick the Architect

I met this week’s subject, Erick the Architect, deep in Brooklyn, in East Flatbush, not far from where I grew up. It’s precisely where he grew up, and where his family still resides. Erick now lives in Los Angeles, having moved for a host of reasons we’ll dive in to shortly, but stays with family when he’s back in New York. My grandma lived in Flatbush, and one of the things I remember distinctly is the strong sense of community that was present in walking around the neighborhood, which probably sounds like fluttery bullshit, but everyone knows everyone in real Brooklyn. People really cared for my grandma, and I can see people really care about Erick, and he cares about catching up with them equally—which is endearing considering he is a celebrity on the rise. Read more at Esquire