by William Buckley

Of all the European markets, London is the most exciting. Coming from a Brit, which I am, that might come across as a little biased. And it might well be, but that’s my prerogative, so there.

However, in the noble interests of diplomacy, I’ll share my two cents pennies.

We all love Paris, how could we not? Lanvin, Hermes, Dior Homme, you know the drill. And with a firm foot in the trade show scene here at MR, Pitti is certainly vying for the ‘Most Exciting’ title. We appreciate a good trade show, and Pitti really gets it right. Finally Milan. We all love Milan, and our ties with the Canalis, Zegnas and Cucinellis of the world are 26 years thick, so it’s always a pleasure. But there’s still London! And just to be clear, we are talking about a London with no more Burberry, no more Tom Ford and no more Alexander McQueen; but to put it as succinctly as possible: whatevs. The London fashion scene is so on point right now. Indeed, the echoes of the London Collections are felt the following season in many other brands’ offerings, notably Craig Green, whose collection seemingly influenced a dozen other designers this time around. And while many of the smaller designers showing at LCM are all but unheard of in New York, creativity is not as corseted by capitalism as we are here in America. Anyway. As they say in Milano, ‘basta!’ Some favorite shots from London to follow.