New Beauty And Menswear Halls Open At Holt Renfrew Ogilvy

by MR Magazine Staff

Daylight floods the capacious new menswear hall on the fourth floor of the Holt Renfrew Ogilvy luxury department store at de la Montagne and Ste-Catherine Sts. now that its arched windows have been opened as part of the store’s renovation and expansion. The 40,000-square-foot hall, with its blond wood floor, high ceilings, pillars and white walls, opens to the public Thursday, along with an expanded beauty hall in the first phase of the new space, designed by New York-based Jeffrey Hutchison & Associates Inc. in partnership with Montreal-based architecture firm Lemay. “It’s our most beautiful store,” said Holt Renfrew chief operating officer Robert Zeidel on Wednesday in the menswear space, where workers in the home stretch were getting things ready for the unveiling on Thursday. Read more at Montreal Gazette.