New Menswear Shop Now Ashore In Rehoboth Beach

by MR Magazine Staff

Two summers ago, following a July 4th celebratory evening out at various Rehoboth Beach, Del., eateries and drinkeries, gay entrepreneur Michael Gabriel Thanner found himself a bit sozzled and languishing late-night with a long-time female friend on the stoop in front of 39 Baltimore Avenue, a block from the residential town and resort destination boardwalk. “I’m going to have this store someday,” the visiting Maryland native declared. The casual comment was emblematic of Thanner’s easygoing manner and light-hearted, engaging disposition, as energetically adventurous as it is engagingly confident. Early in October, Thanner’s ambitious assertion became an abstemious reality with the opening of M.G.T. & Co. Mens Toggery Shop on the high-profile street. The prominent commercial spot is anchored by surrounding and nearby retail businesses and restaurant venues. The former residential home, and prior commercial storefront, is adjacent to local landmarks the Blue Moon restaurant-bar and the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center. Read more at Washington Blade.