by Stephen Garner

The concept for Proud was born during the 2016 presidential campaign and the extraordinary divisiveness it ignited. “I wanted to create a ‘badge’ brand (using athleisure as the platform to cut across a broad multi-generational group), which stood for unity and celebrating American values and could spark positive conversation about what makes each of us proud,” Proud founder Ehsan Rezvan tells MR. “I also want to build a business whose foundation is about the best of humanity. For me, that means giving back to causes around which Americans can unite.”

Rezvan credits the brand’s success to its mission of bringing people together, even with the current divisiveness in this country. He notes that the majority of his line retails between $24 and $118, with its most popular men’s piece being the “Be Bold” bomber hoodie.

Especially strong now is Proud’s bold collection of all black and white pieces that could easily be paired with an existing wardrobe. Plans for additional new pieces have been put on hold due to COVID-19 and the challenges with factory production shutting down. But Rezvan says he looks forward to introducing new styles for the brand as soon as they’re able to!

Rezvan left us with a few words of wisdom: “There’s never been a moment quite like the one we’re in right now…Proud is unifying people with a positive message and giving back with every purchase…I think Proud is a lifestyle brand that’s ‘tailor-made’ for this moment in history.”