Why Virtual Reality Won’t Revolutionize Retail, But Scan-And-Go Will

by MR Magazine Staff

Technological innovation used to land squarely in the realm of Silicon Valley startups — a dream investment made possible only by the bold, the risky, the disruptors. For retailers, that perception is changing, and fast. Keeping up with technological advancements is less of an option now and more par for the course. While Amazon is an obvious leader when it comes to retail tech — from Amazon Go to the constant expansions of the Alexa ecosystem and ever more intimate delivery techniques — nearly every sector of retail has become more involved with perfecting the technology that most customers expect by now. From giants to smaller companies, there are a lot of experiments in the works. Walmart recently dropped the Scan & Go service from its own stores, but the retail giant continues to play around with it in Sam’s Club stores and through a partnership with Chinese company Tencent. Even smaller players like Zara are investing in artificial intelligence and other tech solutions to solve day-to-day issues. Read more at Retail Dive.