Behind The Wild And Sometimes Wacky Facemask Economy

Never before has hiding your face in public been so fashionable or lucrative for small businesses. When the number of Covid-19 cases spiked and health advisories began to include wearing masks in public, production of personal protective equipment skyrocketed. A June report by Allied Market Research finds the global PPE market grew by more than $1.5 billion in the past 12 months, which includes the onset of the pandemic. It’s predicted to increase to $33.4 billion by 2027, from $12.9 billion in 2019, with North America accounting for the lionshare of the uptick. The report specifically cites the wearing of facemasks among the general public as a primary growth driver, which is all too evident in paging through any website with banner ads. The surge in interest has created dizzying opportunities for craftspeople and businesses. Read more at Inc.