by Stephen Garner
Photo by Khaula Jamil for BCI

Following the launch of the brand’s ‘For Responsible Living’ strategy this past January, Diesel has taken a further step in its commitment by joining the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), a global not-for-profit organization and the largest cotton sustainability program in the world.

Diesel is now committed to sourcing at least 50 percent of its cotton as ‘more responsible cotton’ by 2025, including cotton sourced as Better Cotton, recycled, and organic cotton.

BCI exists to make global cotton production better for the people who produce it, for the environment it grows in, and for the sector’s future. The organization trains farmers to use water more efficiently, to care for the health of the soil, reduce the use of the most harmful chemicals, and instate fair labor practices. In 2018-2019, the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) provided training to over 2 million farmers from 23 countries on five continents. Together, these farmers produced 22 percent of the world’s cotton.

Diesel’s “For Responsible Living” strategy is a commitment to taking action for the benefit of current and future generations and ensuring the denim brand’s continuing success in a changing world. The strategy is based on four key pillars and commitments named: Be The Alternative, Stand For The Planet, Celebrate Individuality, and Promote Integrity. It is a dedicated and comprehensive blueprint, which will further integrate sustainability-focused initiatives across all the company’s business activities.