Five Fits With: Musician and Lover of Elegant Causal Clothes Del Water Gap

by MR Magazine Staff

On the day I meet with this week’s subject, Del Water Gap—who goes by his middle name, Holden—he’s about to play the first of two shows at Madison Square Garden on a North American tour in support of Niall Horan. Like most musicians, Holden started writing songs as a kid. “I was really, really shy and I grew up in a really small town, so there was not much in the way of anything to do but sit in the woods and stare up at the sky,” he says. He gravitated toward journaling and writing poetry. “When I was old enough to start having crushes on girls,” he says with a smirk, “I started writing songs about them and sending them to them on MySpace and hoping that they would get the message.” Read more at Esquire.

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