For Skincare Brands, Urban Pollution Is Good For Business
Big Beauty has been all about skincare lately, and that part of the industry is thriving, thanks in large part to its ballooning anti-aging category. But another category of skincare might be the next growth area: As air quality declines in cities around the world, “anti-pollution” products are making their way into the mainstream, holding new appeal for urbanites trying to protect their skin. The World Health Organization has warned that air pollution is the largest health risk humans face. But the market research firm Euromonitor, in its latest report on the global cosmetics market, suggested that for beauty companies, city smog may have an unexpected silver lining: “As the urban population globally is expected to grow… The need for skin care which would protect against one of the biggest problems associated with large cities, pollution, is set to expand, positively contributing to skin care value sales.” Read more at Quartz.