by John Russel Jones

PAKA, the sustainable apparel brand best known for its performance-based alpaca fiber gear, announces today the expansion of the PAKA Scholars program. This program provides full-ride scholarships to underprivileged Peruvian women and allows them to continue their education at universities. PAKA has added nine scholarships for 17 annual scholarships to support higher-level education this year.

Research from the World Bank and the Council on Foreign Relations shows that the commitment to women’s education benefits all: women typically reinvest 90% of their income back into their families, compared to 30-40% for men, and investing in women’s education adds half a percent to a country’s per capita GNP. Enabling better futures for women in Peru is crucial to improving the Peruvian economy and a core pillar of PAKA’s mission.

The 17 PAKA Scholars that have been chosen this year feature women who are furthering their education within the fields of Psychology, Education, Business, Dentistry, Tourism, Nursing, and Engineering. PAKA Scholars aims to give recipients the tools they need to become impactful community members. As an extension of the PAKA Scholars program, PAKA is also creating an Entrepreneurship Fund that will allow past and present PAKA Scholars to receive funding to create their own business.

PAKA donates 1% of its annual revenues to Impact programs in Peru: Peruvian Hearts (17 Scholarships) and Centro Textil (250+ Quechua women weavers). It is now stepping in to work directly with the Alpacas and alpacas themselves.

“Giving back to the Cusco community is not a gesture of goodwill; it is a vital aspect of building a thriving and supportive society,” said Gisella Garate, PAKA’s Director of Impact. “Cusco, like many cities around the world, has traditionally been influenced by patriarchal structures and societal norms that historically favor men in various aspects of life – the act of giving back by empowering women promotes gender equality, breaking down barriers and creating a more equitable society for everyone.”

Margarita, one of this year’s PAKA scholars, beautifully captured the sentiment that she is now a role model for the other young women in her community: “Life is not about who you were yesterday; it is about who you are now and who you have the potential to be. Remember that every day can be the beginning of something wonderful.”