Study: Men and Women Shop Alike

by MR Magazine Staff

In a study titled, “The Myth of the Mansumer,” The Future of Commerce and Hybris Software surveyed 1,700 consumers and found few differences between the shopping habits of men and women.

“Thanks to online shopping and retailers taking an omnichannel approach, technology appears to be bringing the era of the ‘Mansumer’ to a close just a few short years after the term was coined for the first time in 2012,” The Future of Commerce editor Amy Hatch wrote.

Among the myths highlighted by the study are that men are super-efficient shoppers on self-imposed time constraints; that they don’t browse; and that they are ruled by logic and immune to emotional decisions.
The study found that both men and women care about the customer service experience, both research potential purchases online and both detest long checkout lines (and many prefer self-checkout and mobile-device checkout).

Some differences emerged, however: women tend to be swayed more by social media and men tend to do more online research.

Read the whole study here.