Survival And Beyond: Small, Independent Retail Rehiring Challenges

In the aftermath of 2020’s first-wave and sustained pandemic, rioting and looting, plus current political tension and unrest across the U.S., retailers are facing challenges reopening their stores. Businesses were forced to close, and many essential businesses were hit hard by reduced foot traffic. Retailers are struggling to revive their businesses and rehire employees. However, due to unemployment benefits, many former employees might be hesitant to return to work, especially if their unemployment benefits have been more advantageous for them than employment. This has become a formidable challenge for these businesses. Due to staff shortages, some have been forced to be open for shorter hours or fewer days. With reduced cashiers and employees, many businesses cannot keep up with their store management. Stores facing issues with short-staffing situations desperately need to implement creative and efficient strategies to keep business running and revenue flowing. Read more at Forbes.