The Day Warby Parker Lost Its Cool

by MR Magazine Staff

The joke didn’t even make sense. Over April Fools’ weekend, Warby Parker tried to get a few cheap laughs by announcing a fake partnership with the fast-food chain Arby’s that would be called–you guessed it–WArby’s. The love child of this unholy marriage would be the Onion Ring Monocle, “the crispy, yet corrective, product at the intersection of food and fashion.” Warby Parker launched the joke with a video designed to look like a clip from the evening news, featuring founders Neil Blumenthal and Dave Gilboa. “We’re Warby, they’re Arby’s,” Blumenthal says, bringing his two hands together. “WArby’s.” The motto for this campaign was “A partnership no one thought possible or necessary.” It’s hard to disagree. Read more at Fast Company.