by Ken Shaia

Words can’t really describe Steve. What a force!

I first met him 27 years ago. I was 24. Fortunately, Steve took me in like a kid brother. Growing up in Alabama, I hadn’t known many people from California so I was enamored with his incredible personality. And the fact he looked like Keith Richards! If ever there was a cool factor, Steve was in the next stratosphere!

Honestly, I can’t say I’ve ever met anyone with his passion for the business, his drive to find newness, his unwillingness to except the status quo….
Excellent wins, he would say! Yes, he could be tough, and I imagine it was tough as a vendor trying to present a line to Steve. But only in the beginning: Steve had a giant heart and once you were in, you were in! I believe most vendors who worked closely with Gary’s and Shaias would agree that Steve Ramenofsky helped shape their brands

Our youngest children were born around the same time. Steve being Jewish and me being Lebanese, we would talk about arranging a marriage between his son Max and my daughter Zanie. You know, keep it in the family…
I could tell so many stories: sneaking into NYC restaurants and bars; staying up til two in the morning back in the good old days when vendors used to throw outrageous parties. I remember bumping into Steve and Johnny the morning after one of our wilder nights and saying, ‘You boys look like a Picasso painting!’ Honestly, people wouldn’t believe the crazy stuff we got into! Ever catch me at market, I’ll be happy to share a few stores…

Steve was all about relationships. He’d go across Manhattan at 6 PM in a snowstorm to come see what your new brand was all about. Often in our industry, people will tell you to go see this brand, it’s great. I’d look at the brand and wonder what they’re talking about. But when Steve said, “Hey Kenny, I saw something today, I’d really like you to check it out, I took the time to go find the brand. Steve had a unique understanding of what makes a specialty store special.

Steve was my closest friend. I remember one time, going through some depression, I was having trouble getting my orders done. Steve helped do them. He was always a great mentor to me, in this business and in this life. Market for me will never be the same. There will never be a time I think about this business when Steve’s comments are not rolling around in my head.

God bless him and his family and his love and passion for our business.

Ken Shaia is president of Shaia’s Menswear, Homewood AL


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