Why Every Brand Now Needs To Behave Like A Health And Wellness Brand

How are you? In ancient times—say, March 2020—this was a trite, passing nicety. Today, with kids going back to school and the virus still raging out of control, it is a real question, and your response has real consequences. Are you healthy enough to hug? Do you do the elbow bump? (Could those be any more awkward?) Are you handed PPE and asked to sit no less than six feet away? Or, yikes, are you uninvited altogether, out of fear that you may make me or my family sick? Brands are no different. Today, before we invite them in, we want to know if they will make us sick or help us stay healthy. We’re not just talking about brands like Listerine, Fitbit, and Peloton. We’re talking about every brand. The sooner a brand starts thinking like a health and wellness brand, the sooner it will find a pulse in our slowly opening economy. Read more at Fast Company.