by Karen Alberg Grossman

If there’s one annual fund-raising event that never fails to leave me in tears, it’s the Father of the Year Awards, presented by the National Father’s Day Committee, part of the Father’s Day/Mother’s Day Council. This year was no exception, as three remarkable men shared stories of the profound impact fatherhood has had on their lives, and the emotional challenge of trying to balance work and family.

The 2024 honorees were Jamie Salter, founder, chairman and CEO of Authentic Brands, retired Lieutenant General John F. Mulholland, a career Army Special Forces Officer, and All-Star Dad Vincent “Rocco” Vargas (shown at top). The event was brilliantly hosted by CBS Morning’s Nate Burleson, who told lots of ‘dad jokes’ but also generated lots of dollars.

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – JUNE 13: Jamie Salter, recipient of Father of the Year Award attends 82nd Annual Father of the Year Awards at Sheraton New York Times Square on June 13, 2024 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for National Father’s Day Council)

Jamie Salter is a licensing authority who founded Authentic Brands three decades ago by investing in fashion, sports, entertainment, celebrity, and lifestyle brands. He’s effected more than $35 billion in investment deals and is still going strong, now working side by side with his four sons. His portfolio includes global super-brands like Reebok, Shaquille O’Neal, Sports Illustrated, Brooks Brothers and so many others. Authentic Brands now operates in more than 150 countries.

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – JUNE 13: Jamie Salter, recipient of Father of the Year Award and family attend 82nd Annual Father of the Year Awards at Sheraton New York Times Square on June 13, 2024 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for National Father’s Day Council)

Crediting his wife Sheryl for his success in business, and in life, Salter takes great joy in working side by side with all four of his sons, now between the ages of 27 and 35. “In 2010, I moved with my family from Canada to the U.S. My son Corey started in the business with me 14 years ago; the other three (Matthew, Tyler and Dylan) joined as soon as they finished school. Let me confirm that there’s no better feeling than working with family: the shared values, the honest commentary, and an ambiance of fun that has attracted other talented young people to our company.

“And as I get older, my goals are less about personal achievement and more about the legacy I want to leave for my family and friends. Three lessons I try hard to share: a strong work ethic, a belief that their word is their bond, and my favorite saying: dream big and you’ll do big. Always raise your hand and offer your ideas. At Authentic, every idea is a good idea, even the ones we have to put into the parking lot for a year or two.

“I’m so proud that all four of my boys seem to have an innate ability to build relationships, an essential part of our business. And that I’m able to enjoy my six grandchildren, all under age 6, who bring me immense pleasure when I call them each morning and hear them say ‘I love you Zeyde,’ something I don’t often hear from my sons… At age 61, I now make sure to cherish every moment, because life is short. My message to all: ‘Work hard and play hard.’ Too many of us are all work and no play. I agree with those young people who seem to have a more balanced perspective, who are making sure to enjoy their families and their work. Perhaps one or more of my sons might receive this award some day: a real possibility, if they listen to me…”

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – JUNE 13: Joe Mulholland, son of John F. Mulholland, recipient of Father of the Year Award attends 82nd Annual Father of the Year Awards at Sheraton New York Times Square on June 13, 2024 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for National Father’s Day Council)

Retired Lieutenant General John F. Mulholland, recovering from an illness and unable to be present at the event, was well represented by his son, Captain Joseph Mulholland. Since listing his dad’s military accomplishments would have taken all day, he chose instead to focus on the personal. “Given all his accomplishments, my dad would tell you that being a father is still his greatest one. No matter how busy he was at work, he always made family a priority. From the moment he got home, he wanted to hear about our day. He always found time to coach our teams and attend as many of our games as possible. He always made himself available to whoever needed guidance and advice.

“Being the youngest of four children, my voice was sometimes lost in the crowd, but my dad always heard it. I remember one particular time, I wanted to get ice cream but everyone else in the car wanted to go right to our destination. And my dad said ‘You know, since Joe often gets the short end of the stick, we’re going to stop on the way to get ice cream…’ This was such a small gesture but so meaningful to me, showing me that my dad was always paying attention.

“In addition to other life lessons, my dad always stressed placing God at the forefront of our lives. Serving as a father figure to so many of his soldiers and to those without fathers, he thanks God for his family, and asked me to express how honored and humbled he is to receive this Father of the Year award.”

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – JUNE 13: Vincent Vargas recipient of 2024 All-Star Dad attends 82nd Annual Father of the Year Awards at Sheraton New York Times Square on June 13, 2024 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for National Father’s Day Council)

Vincent “Rocco” Vargas is the father of eight children; he served in the U.S. Army for three combat deployments. These days, in addition to his career as a writer/actor/producer, he is dedicated to fostering positive change in his community, teaching wellness strategies to first responders and former veterans, helping them lead more fulfilling lives.

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – JUNE 13: Vincent Vargas and family attend 82nd Annual Father of the Year Awards at Sheraton New York Times Square on June 13, 2024 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for National Father’s Day Council)

Vargas was presented his award by his teen-aged stepdaughter Taylor. Only six years old when Vargas came into her life, Taylor confided that she never felt like she had a family until he arrived. “He’s always available 24/7 to help those in need,” she noted. “And no matter how busy he is, he will do whatever it takes to see his kids. He’s a role model and inspiration– for us, and for so many others.”

Vargas explained that he had his first child at 19-years-old and joined the military to put food on the table. He then admitted that he feels like a fraud accepting this award: if his 21-year-old and 18-year-old kids were at this luncheon, they’d speak about all the important events in their lives that their dad missed: birthdays, recitals, baseball games… “Yes, I called my kids weekly throughout my three deployments but it wasn’t enough. Meeting my wife, I had to make lots of changes. She was willing to take on my four children who needed a mother; her two kids needed a father. So blending our families was the most important goal for both of us. We raise this family as one: we don’t use the words stepmother or stepfather: I’m their father, they’re my kids and I love them dearly. So Taylor, hearing your words makes me very proud. I’ve gone through some hardships in my life including post-traumatic stress and depression, but my wife has pushed me to be the best possible version of myself. I’ve become sober, five years now. And I’ve dedicated myself to showing others the path that I’ve taken, my focus on God, family and country, in hopes that the fathers I counsel can be present in the lives of their children.”

Proceeds from this year’s Father of the Year event went to two remarkable organizations: Big Brother Big Sisters (the largest and most experienced youth mentoring organization in America) and Boys Hope Girls Hope (motivating young people in need toward education and career opportunities). Thanks to The Father’s Day/Mother’s Day Council for making it happen.

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – JUNE 13: (L-R) Dan Orwig, guest and Nate Burleson attend 82nd Annual Father of the Year Awards at Sheraton New York Times Square on June 13, 2024 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for National Father’s Day Council)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – JUNE 13: Nate Burleson, co-host of “CBS Mornings” attends 82nd Annual Father of the Year Awards at Sheraton New York Times Square on June 13, 2024 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for National Father’s Day Council)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – JUNE 13: Joe Mulholland, Nate Burleson, Vincent Vargas, Marc Heller, Michael Haskell, Dan Orwig, Karin Darmanin, Sharika Tharani Braun, Sunil Sani, Jason Zuckerman, Joan Moore, Kyle Garry, Curt Duane, Jonathan Greller and guests attend 82nd Annual Father of the Year Awards at Sheraton New York Times Square on June 13, 2024 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for National Father’s Day Council)

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