Amazon Prime Day Sales Surpass $11 Billion, Topping Record Cyber Monday Levels

Online retail sales in the United States during Amazon’s 48-hour Prime Day event have surpassed record levels of e-commerce spending reached during Cyber Monday last year, according to a new report. Total e-commerce sales on Monday and Tuesday surpassed $11 billion, representing 6.1% growth compared with last year’s October Prime Day event, according to an index tracked by Adobe Analytics, which looks at more than 1 trillion visits to U.S. retail sites and over 100 million items across 18 product categories. Online retail sales amounted to $5.6 billion on Monday, the first day of Prime Day, and $5.4 billion on day two, Adobe said. That made Monday the biggest day for digital sales so far this year, and Tuesday the second-biggest day, Adobe added. Read more at CNBC.