Brian Lipton

A native New Yorker, Brian’s first word was supposedly “Bloomingdale’s.” He has spent the last 28 years as a working journalist and was Managing Editor of DNR, the founding Managing Editor for MR’s sister publication Accent, and a fashion correspondent for such magazines as Forbes. His other positions have included Editor-in-Chief of TheaterMania.com and Founding Editor of Resident Publications and he continues to write about theater and celebrities for numerous publications and websites including IN New York. Brian is a graduate of Tufts University and New York University School of Law. He lives in Manhattan with his partner, Evan Warren, and spends a lot of free time looking for great things to add to their wardrobes.

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by Brian Lipton

The designer’s third store in Manhattan is not just an emporium for Kos’ high-end apparel (pieces of which can easily run into five figures); it’s a showplace for the veteran designer’s imagination.

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