CEO Ron Johnson On The Future Of Retail

by MR Magazine Staff

Veteran businessman and former J.C. Penney CEO Ron Johnson is now the CEO of Enjoy, a mobile store company that helps bring the traditional shopping experience into the homes of consumers. Johnson joined The Final Round on Wednesday to give his thoughts on the state of retail, and where businesses like J.C. Penney have steered incorrectly. See more at Yahoo Finance.

One Reply to “CEO Ron Johnson On The Future Of Retail”

  1. Ron Johnson single handily ruined JCPENNY
    He took a middle market company and tried to change the entire DNA.
    His decisions were unproven. His team had no understanding of the JCP customer.
    By the time he was fired ,it was too late.
    His new company “Enjoy” is catering to the 1% and will not succeed
    The JC Penny customer is the other 99%
    “Sell to the masses” that’s good retail……………..
    “Know your customer “ that’s great retail………..

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