by John Russel Jones

Last year alone, airlines worldwide mishandled 36.1 million bags, with 1.8 million never recovered*. To help travelers avoid losing their favorite item, Eton is launching The Phoenix Service, a lifetime travel insurance for its White Signature Twill Shirt.

We’ve all been there: that moment of dread at check-in as your luggage vanishes down the conveyor belt. What if it’s gone for good? Being an unfortunate owner of one of the millions of bags that go missing every year is hard enough, but losing your most cherished items can feel devastating. That’s where The Phoenix Service comes in – a first-of-its-kind, lifetime travel insurance for Eton’s White Signature Twill Shirt. Now, if your favorite shirt is in a bag that goes South during air travel, your style is secured. Eton’s Phoenix Service will make it rise anew.

“As a frequent traveler myself, I understand the sinking feeling of parting with your favorite pieces at check-in, wondering if they will reappear on the baggage carousel. Solving the issue of lost luggage is out of our hands, but at least now we can make our customers’ signature shirt rise from the ashes. After all, the only thing that can replace an Eton shirt is another Eton shirt,” says David Thörewik, CEO of Eton Shirts.

Available exclusively for the White Signature Twill style, The Phoenix Service promises a new shirt replacement if the original is lost by an airline.

“The essence of our Signature Twill Shirt is its timeless design and exceptional quality, making it a wardrobe staple. With The Phoenix Service, we wanted to reinforce that longevity, ensuring your favorite shirt is safeguarded even on the go,” Thörewik adds.

The Phoenix Service is available as a free, limited-edition service for Eton’s Signature Twill Shirt from September 16th, 2024, to November 11th, 2024, at

*Source: SITA Baggage IT Insights 2024

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