Gant Brian Grevy
by Stephen Garner
Gant Brian Grevy
Brian Grevy

Swedish owned clothing line Gant AB has named Brian Grevy as its new chief executive officer. He succeeds Patrik Nilsson who is leaving Gant after four years as CEO. Under Nilsson’s leadership Gant formed a value-based performance culture, increased market share, and enjoyed strong brand growth.

Grevy has 20 years of businesses management experience, including extensive brand and product development. He joined the company in 2016 as chief marketing officer with the mission to create one seamless consumer journey, increase mind share, and drive sales.

Since joining Gant, he has implemented a plan to win the trust of the consumer in the modern marketplace. His first priority as CEO is to develop a strategy that continues to build value for the consumer –and also ensures further growth for Gant.

Prior to joining Gant, Grevy held the position of general manager of training at Adidas. He succeeds Patrik Nilsson who is leaving Gant after four years as CEO.

“Brian has been a key player in the global management team and I am happy to appoint him as CEO,” said Thierry Guibert, chairman of the Board. “His understanding of how to transform brands in today’s rapidly changing retail environment has already proven invaluable for growth at Gant. Looking ahead, his passionate leadership and boundless curiosity will be vital as we embark on the next stage of the Gant journey.”

“I am honored and thrilled to take on this new role,” added Grevy. “Gant has a tremendous heritage and great potential – which is why I joined the company in the first place. Our intent is to continue to strengthen our business across all our markets through new innovations. The ambition is also to create operational leverage and efficiencies across the full value chain. I am looking forward to working with the team to achieve further successes in the years to come.”