In Other News: Philadelphia Retailer Gives Store to Employees
Abe Mandel, owner of A Man’s Image in Philadelphia, is handing his store over to three of his employees, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.
“In what his employees are hailing as an incredibly generous gesture, Mandel is looking for a new tenant for the 4,400-square-foot property, and, once he finds one, will relocate A Man’s Image to a yet-to-be-selected smaller site on Passyunk,” the Inquirer reported. “He will lease that for three years and turn the business over to his three salesmen to own and operate.”
The three longtime employees—Louis Zulli, Bob Taylor and Mario Maldonado—have worked for Mandel for 31, 28 and 19 years, respectively.
Mandel told the Inquirer that he’ll finance the store and act as buyer for a year while the three new owners ease into ownership.
Read the whole story at the Inquirer.