by Karen Alberg Grossman

Alessio Nanni has joined the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) as Head of Fashion and Beauty. ITA is the government of Italy’s agency that supports business development of Italian companies abroad and promotes the attraction of foreign investment in Italy. The agency is very active in the fashion and menswear industries, including sponsoring Italian vendors at trade shows here in the United States and hosting events that share Italy’s longstanding sartorial tradition and its rich, vibrant culture. Here we catch up with Italy’s latest export! 

Welcome to NYC Alessio Nanni! As the new head of fashion and beauty at the Italian Trade Agency, what has prepared you for this job?
I’ve dealt with various content in my professional career, always cultivating institutional skills and relationships while maintaining space for the expression of my soul. My new role at ITA perfectly blends these two aspects. I confess that I’ve always had a passion for consumer goods. I find it fascinating to delve into the characteristics of the markets, to discover what defines consumer tastes, to analyze how the social dimension influences trends. I believe that fashion is, in essence, an expression of the zeitgeist of the times we live in, full of contradictions but also bearers of change.

How would you describe yourself to those who don’t know you?
It’s not easy to define oneself: the external impression can be very different from the reality.  I am a child of my times: open to new things, sociable, a lover of freedom, and passionate about my profession. I like to delve deeply into all arenas: to get to know a person, a sector, a city, while always maintaining my identity.

Settling into my new role, I’m grateful for the support and professional experience I receive from my office team. While Italy and Fashion are already regarded as a single concept, there’s still need to give voice to new companies, to the creativity of young Italian designers. I hope to maintain all the promotional activity that effectively enhances the sector, while developing new projects and events that help Italian brands understand the American market. I hope to reinforce the image of Italian fashion as traditional, artisanal, quality-centric but also cutting-edge, an expression of the diversity and complexity of our time. I’m very enthusiastic about ​​organizing events to support our companies, and finding partners who will help in this journey.

Can you share a few thoughts on men’s fashion?
Men’s clothing and accessories are clearly a key asset in Italian exports. I believe the most important factor is our “sartorial art.” Our history of craftsmanship and sartorial excellence, recognized worldwide, remains our strength and represents our future. Consider our prestigious school in Rome: Academy di Moda e Costume. Guided by master craftsmen, these students are immersing themselves in the magic of exceptional craftsmanship. Their knowledge of fine tailoring combined with a modern sensibility will greatly impact men’s clothing in the years ahead.

What are your interests/passions in addition to your work?
I love Amy Winehouse, David Lynch, New York City and, of course, consumer goods.