Is America Ready For A Frank Discussion About Skincare?

As the 2020 presidential campaign approached, the editors of Cosmopolitan gathered to discuss how to cover the race, delivering political news in a manner befitting their audience of millennial and Generation Z women. They hatched an ambitious plan to make Cosmo a part of the conversation: invite each candidate in for a half-hour video interview with Jessica Pels, the magazine’s editor. From a tufted velvet chair atop an animal-print rug, Pels grilled the candidates on issues that had bubbled to the top of reader surveys, from health care to college debt to equal pay. And at the very end—a standard time to ask light, personal questions that knock politicians off their talking points—she posed the same query to everyone: “What is your skincare routine?” The “famous Cosmo skincare question,” as it has become known, has gone viral more than once this election cycle, thanks to some eye-popping answers. Read more at Politico.