by John Russel Jones
Dec 11, 2023
Jungle Scout, a platform for selling on Amazon, has released its Q4 Consumer Trends Report, a quarterly survey of more than 1,000 American shoppers that explores retail and ecommerce trends. This quarter’s report examines the retail and consumer spending trends that are shaping the holiday season and beyond, providing valuable insights into evolving consumer expectations for 2024.
Some highlights from the report include:
- 20% of consumers plan to shop at small and local businesses as much as possible this year – up from 10% in 2022.
- Gen Z is more likely to give homemade/DIY or virtual gifts compared to any other generation.
- 69% of consumers say looking for the best deals is their preferred gift-shopping strategy.
The report goes into greater detail, including tracking quarterly changes in overall and online spending in Q3, what products consumers are buying, and where people shop. It also gets into inflation’s ongoing impacts and household income trends. The report also points out that 16% of consumers surveyed plan to buy more clothing this quarter than last, 47% plan to buy the same amount, and 33% are planning to buy less. To read the entire survey and learn more about Jungle Scout’s services, check out JungleScout.com/consumertrends.