by John Russel Jones

Since the release of the anime television series Mobile Suit Gundam in 1979, the Gundam universe has steadily expanded while captivating audiences with compelling characters and complex narratives. Set in a future where Earth is embroiled in conflicts between space colonies and the Earth Federation, the franchise has boldly explored novel technologies, the human condition, and much more. As a forward-thinking brand at the heart of culture,  Levi’s has continuously innovated and expanded its iconic styles and classic garments. With an eye towards its overarching thematic battles and the imaginative science fiction of the Gundam universe,  Levi’s brand and Gundam have created a futuristic collection while upholding the enduring craft of Levi’s apparel.

While there are countless characters and storylines within the Gundam universe, the humanoid Gundam machines piloted by talented humans are at the center of all the action. The Levi’s x Gundam SEED collection captures the sci-fi beauty of the mobile suits and the recurring fight between different ideologies. The collection includes patterned 501jeans and a relaxed trucker, as well as a technical anorak, and cargo pant. An assortment of tops include graphic T-shirts, a L/S polo and a hoodie. The collection is rounded out with a series of co-branded, functional accessories.

The Levi’s x Gundam SEED collection has already launched in APAC, and will launch globally on Thursday on Levi.com, the Levi’s App, and in select Levi’s stores.