by Stephen Garner

NisoloIn conjunction with Earth day on April 22, ethical fashion brand Nisolo has teamed up with carbon-reducing venture Ecosphere+ on a new mission to save at least 60,000 trees in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon this year alone.

Co-founded in 2011 by Patrick Woodyard and Zoe Cleary, Nisolo translates to not alone. The brand focuses on connecting underserved, highly-skilled producers to consumers worldwide. Intentionally designed, ethically made and fairly priced, Nisolo shoes and accessories benefit both maker and purchaser, fostering stable livelihoods for producers and change-making consumers, all while reducing a carbon footprint and giving back to the world’s ecosystems.

“Environmental responsibility is an absolute priority to our brand,” said Patrick Woodyard, co-founder and CEO of Nisolo. “We want to do everything we can to help support our planet through our business and voice in the fashion industry, and the partnership with Ecosphere+ was a natural fit. We love their efforts and trust they will help us continue to improve our modes of production.”

NisoloNisolo acknowledges that every pair of shoes produced has an impact on the environment by producing carbon (C02) emissions. The company owns an ethical factory in Trujillo, Peru and partners with multiple ethical factories in Mexico and continues to seek ways to counteract harmful emissions by implementing a program that offsets C02 emissions. Trees naturally capture C02, and forest conservation is one of the greatest tools in combatting climate change. This partnership has a personal meaning as Nisolo is able to help serve and protect the ecosphere in Peru, where its home factory is located.

“Nisolo’s collaborative partnership supports vital conservation and community development activities that make living forests thrive,” added Kate Dillon Levin, VP North American Sales & Marketing at Ecosphere+. “By putting positive climate impact into each pair of shoes, Nisolo and its consumers help restore and rebalance climate health.”
