by Brian Lipton

NRF LOGOThe National Retail Federation’s Digital Summit, a 2-1/2 day event specifically created for digital and multichannel retailers, will take place at the Philadelphia Convention Center, October 5-7. At the event, over 5,000 attendees will have the opportunity to interact with over 280 exhibitors.

There will also be more than 100 speakers, representing such companies as Perry Ellis International, Abecrombie & Fitch and Puma. Topics will include channel convergence, retail innovations, strategic marketing, and customer acquisition and conversion.

“Our attendees are interested in cutting-edge technology so they can be prepared for holiday and for 2016” says Artemis Berry, vice-president of digital retail at the NRF, which is sponsoring the event. “Moreover, we follow the industry, and we’re discovering that digitally, whether it’s mobile or social content, this area has become increasingly important to brick and mortar retailers. It’s all about finding the right solution.”

While the NRF has held the conference previously in cities such as Boston, Chicago, and Dallas, Berry believes attendees will be excited to be in Philadelphia for the first-time. “We go where our members are, and Philly is so close to many retailers in the northeast,” she says. “Plus, it has a phenomenal downtown they can explore and its own great retail community that supports us.”

Retailers can register at any time during the conference. For more information, visit