by John Russel Jones

Streetwear brand Pleasures and Pabst Blue Ribbon teamed up at the top of 2023 to create unique experiences highlighting arts and culture. In its entirety, Pleasures x Pabst has showcased the works of Jason Landis, Brvinfreeze, Jesse Draxler, and Joe Horner. The series amplified musicians and bands Kenny Hoopla, Geese, Spiritual Cramp, Cold Gawd, GEL, ZULU, MIKE, Wiki, and The Alchemist. As well as DJ support for AyeJames, Julian Ramirez, HuDat, God Is War, Ho99o9, Daniel Davies, Casual Affairs, Kate Clover, and Ross Farrar. They also partnered with Street Food Cinema in Los Angeles to showcase the cult-classic film, Ghost World, as a part of the event series.

Together, both brands sharing similar values have been able to celebrate the importance of creative expression and individuality by blending different communities into one space.

“We like drinking beer. We like PBR. It’s been a hell of a year together. This capsule is directly about having fun with friends,” says Pleasures Co-Founder, Alex James.

The capsule consists of apparel and accessories including a PBR Beanie in blue (Retail $36), a Beer Van T-Shirt in black or white ($40), and a silver-plated PBR lapel pin ($8). Additional pieces to the collection will be released in 2024.

“Both Pleasures and Pabst Blue Ribbon embodies creativity and individuality. By channeling the (mutual synergy) from the start, our two like-minded brands built out a series of events throughout 2023 showcasing that spirit. Pabst Blue Ribbon is proud of everything we’ve created together and the opportunities to have worked with a number of talented artists. We are excited to share the capsule collection with the masses to end the year,” says Josh Feingold, Senior Director of Marketing Partnerships of Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Pleasures x Pabst Blue Ribbon is available at and other global retailers.

Photography by Nikki Nixon. Model: Shawkat Sanbar