by Karen Alberg Grossman


It is with much sadness that MR reports the untimely passing of Wes Davis, who died in Thailand of organ failure on June 14th at age 44. As reported by his husband Mat, “After a hard battle with an infection he contracted, his organs could no longer support him and each of them slowly bowed out of the fight… Wes touched countless lives in his short time on this earth. When Wes called you his friend, you could really feel it; when you were with Wes, you were special!” 

Wes worked at Levy’s in Nashville for more than 13 years and then moved to Thailand in 2023. Says David Levy, “We are heartbroken by the loss of our longtime family member. For 13+ years, he was an important part of our lives, and we cherish many memories, both personal and professional. We will miss his passion, his smile, and his always-shining bright light. Rest in peace dear friend.” 

As editor of MR, I knew Wes from his 13 years at Levy’s and truly appreciated his energy and passion for the business. Our traditional dinners in Vegas were filled with interesting stories and lots of laughter. Wes was so much fun and such a nice guy, always asking about family, always wanting to learn more about the business, always showing concern… I will forever remember this special young man for the joy and comfort he brought to others. Rest in Peace Wes Davis. May your light continue to shine in the hearts of all who love you. 






  1. Such sad news. As a former apparel brand founder and fortunate to befriend Levys … Wes was many times the first bright face seen upon my visits from out of town.

    1. I am so sad to see this. Wes had an infectious smile that just made everyone smile back. RIP beautiful Wes. Glad you found love but so sad you were taken too early. You will always be remembered. 💔🕊️🌈

    2. Wes was a true Gem. He was so dedicated from the first time i met him 5 years ago at Levys. His fashion and style were unmatched and he designed and built wardrobes for me year after year. He was a true gentleman and so passionate about his work and helping others look and feel good. Rest easy bud!

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