Why the men’s tie is no longer a relic of the past

For quite some time, the necktie has been relegated to an artefact of a bygone era, one of stuffy corporate wear and forced formality that in a post-pandemic world looked largely left behind. It is with some surprise, then, that the tie has had something of a comeback in recent seasons, its death knell stilled by a new generation of designers who are using the classic accessory to represent something altogether more irreverent – a symbol of the past which in their hands is ripe for reinvention. Read more at Wallpaper.

2 Replies to “Why the men’s tie is no longer a relic of the past”

  1. The neckwear business is picking up and customers want to wear ties
    It makes the outfit look great with beautiful colors and fantastic designs

  2. Lovely to see this article. Indeed ties can elevate your look!
    I do believe ties do make a gentleman a bit more polished and sophisticated. No reason not to wear a tie!

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