“Couple Thinkers,” a new TV show developed by Swedish apparel maker Gant and hosted by well-known talk show host Craig Ferguson and his wife Megan, will debut in 70 countries on YouTube on October 9.
For the 30-minute show, the couple will follow their curiosity and travel around the world to seek out topics they’ve always wondered about but have never had the chance to explore – until now – including such questions as “When do we need to leave this planet?” to “Can we stop aging?” The pair will also talk to world-famous experts about these subjects.
“To be a leading brand in the future we believe consumers need to understand why your brand exists,” said CEO Patrik Nilsson. “Since 1949, Gant has worked to make the world better and more beautiful through our passion for American sportswear and lifelong learning. Our ‘why’ is Never Stop Learning. It is a promise to improve each day, to listen and learn on our quest to create deep and meaningful connections with our consumers. This TV show is a great example of that and, together with our innovative products that will make their everyday life easier, we are confident our consumers will help Gant to become the leading lifestyle brand in the world.”
“We created this show with young curious professionals in mind – a group that is well-informed, open-minded and tech savvy,” added Global Marketing Director, Eleonore Säll. “We believe brands should dare to create content that is both entertaining and informative, content that people would genuinely like to watch. With this show we hope to create conversation starters, spark curiosity and prove that questions can be more important than answers – something we believe the world needs more of right now.”
“We partnered with Gant because they are genuinely altruistic in their approach to using the power of their global outreach. This is extremely rare in large companies and we wanted to be a part of that attempt and encourage it,” said Ferguson. “The show gives Megan and me the unique opportunity to go straight to the experts in any particular topic we were curious or, let’s be honest, arguing about. Something I would imagine most couples would be grateful for.”
The show is being produced in collaboration with Zodiak Factory & Mastiff, part of the Banijay Group.