Canadian retail giant HBC announced that it has become aware of a data security issue involving customer payment card data at certain Saks Fifth Avenue, Saks Off 5th, and Lord & Taylor stores in North America. While the investigation is ongoing, the company says there is no indication at this time that this breach affects its e-commerce or other digital platforms, Hudson’s Bay, Home Outfitters, or HBC Europe.
HBC is assuring customers that they will not be liable for fraudulent charges that may result from this matter; moreover. it has identified the issue and has taken steps to contain it. Once the company has more clarity around the facts, it will notify customers quickly and will offer those impacted free identity protection services, including credit and web monitoring.
In the meantime, HBC encourages customers to review their account statements and contact their card issuers immediately if they identify activity or transactions they do not recognize. In the coming days, customer care representatives will be available through a dedicated call center to provide further information.
Customers who think they’ve been affected should visit https://www.saksfifthavenue.com/security-information/notice.html, https://www.saksoff5th.com/security-information/notice.html, or https://www.lordandtaylor.com/security-information/notice.html.